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Blake Griffin Wife

Blazing Hoops: Blake Griffin's Romantic Entanglements

The Former NBA Star's Love Life

Past Relationships

After retiring from the NBA, Blake Griffin has become known for his off-court endeavors. One aspect of his personal life that has garnered attention is his dating history. His last publicly known relationship was with Frankie Bikinis founder Francesca Aiello, whom he dated for approximately two years.

However, Griffin's longest relationship was with Brynn Cameron, whom he dated for six years. The couple planned to marry in 2017 but eventually called off the engagement.

Career and Retirement

Born on March 16, 1989, Blake Griffin carved a notable career in the National Basketball Association. After an illustrious high school basketball career, he entered the NBA in 2009 as the first overall pick by the Los Angeles Clippers.

Griffin played for several teams throughout his career, including the Detroit Pistons and the Brooklyn Nets. He concluded his professional basketball journey with the Boston Celtics in 2023, retiring after 13 seasons in the NBA.
